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tv   News  ABC  May 21, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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winds at 15 miles an hour. but our main concern, the fog. we do have reduced visibility. we will send it over to lauren. we have a check of the traffic. the wet weather and fog causing issues out there. >> many of the main lines. we expect you to reduce visibility. >> please be extra careful. we do have trouble in northwest baltimore at hill dale avenue. and if you are heading out to the westside of the valley. this is what it looks like. traffic starting to pick up in the pikesville area. and it is going to congest even more. >> very wet in this vicinity. and 95 going to be clear north of the weltway and no problems -- beltway. and no problems down by the fort mckinley tunnel. it blocks both lanes at 28th street. >> speeds clocking in.
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>> at not too bad here and all a the clear traveling through the fort mchenry tunnel. also going to be clear. >> north of the street. and everything will be up to speed. >> that's a look at the abc 2 time saver traffic. back to you. trayvon martin's mother spoke at a church on sunday about her son's death. we are standing by with details of message. >> reporter: she wanted to personally thank people in baltimore for their support. she it not, however, talk about the case ongoing against george zimmerman, the man accused of killing her son. this is the temple church in baltimore. it was the three month anniversary of her son's death. he met her and martin's father shortly after the trayvon's death. this is the first time fulton
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visited baltimore. everyone here gives her strength in the midst of grace. >> we have support here in baltimore. they are good-fathering people and they believe that they support us as well. >> it warms our heart and there are people here that support us. >> fulton said this visit wasn't just for her son. but for all the other victims of racial profiling. >> linda. >> they have 23 schools on the list and it comes in at number 81. it ranks at 111. winston churchill is third. >> that is 150.
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and 212 on the list and rounding out the top five. it is 239. we posted the entire list on the website. go there to check it out and see if the school is ranked on it. >> time for federal businesses and it left one guard dead and six injured. >> it was brought under control late sunday night. however hours after it began. >> they hold illegal immigrants and for charges may be deported. people were wrongly convicted and convicted of erroneous crimes such as sexual assault. >> they say the universities, that they have detailed information. each of the defendants spend an average of 11 years behind bars before being freed. >> well, senate homeland senate
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committee will hold this on wednesday. it is involving u.s. military and secret service agents in columbia. it happened last month in advance of president obama's trip to the summit of the americas. it has so far result the dismissal of nine secret service members. agency heads are expected to testify. >> it is packed tonight at the billboard music awards. >> one in particular cleaned up. taking home quite a few winds. >> lmfao took him six billboard awards. their party rock anthem won the top song award and dance categories and also justin bieber, he won the social artist of the year. chris brown took home a r&b price. and taylor swift, woman of the year. if you are interested in
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taking a trip. you might be excited to have someone else plan. and they can save you time and money he any. if you a new graduate. look at a job in one city. that is supposed to make it easier and make it happier than anywhere else. we will explain when good morning with maryland continues. >> we will have more details on tropical storm alberto coming up. >> this is starting to pick up on the westside of the beltway. i will show you what 95 and the rest looks like in the time saver report. >>
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borrowers are giving up chances to check for mistakes. it could help people get thousands of dollars in restitution. less than 165,000 people have applied for the program. several mortgage borrowers and federal banking regulators agreed to review cases in alleged abuse. recent college grads may want to consider relocating to the midwest, st. louis, it is the happiest cities for job-seeking youngsters. that is according to a list that is put together by career it is based on people's relationships with their coworkers and opportunities for growth and company reputation. you can find great deals booking on line. and the process could be complex and time consuming. some are now heading to
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vacations by turning to experts to help out. the average traveller spends hours booking their own vacations and booking nine sites in one trip. travel agents are becoming popular once again. agents can help if something goes wrong. >> next, we have something you can call. whether it is weather-related. family emergency or any type of natural disaster, we are there for you. if you are worried about the cost. they take money through commissions and complex itineraries. they come with a fee. >> coming up. there are red sox and orioles fans walking around camden yards today. >> walking around the streets of baltimore. you will see them and go down to tomorrow night's game. >> they plan to take to the streets again. i am linda so. and what they plan to do in a few hours. i am sherrie johnson.
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a new interactionive game tells you all about the war of 1812. i will have that story coming up. >> hope you enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend. this is the most powerful radar as of now. i will tell you when it moves out the. traffic is starting to pick up here. 95 and the beltway. i will show you what it looks like coming up in the time saver traffic report. you are watching good morning maryland. we have product x and we have product y. we are going to start with product x. the only thing i'll let you know is that it is an, affordable product. oh, i like that. let's move on to product y, which is a far more expensive product. whoaaa. i don't care for that at all. yuck. you picked x and it was geico car insurance
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and y was the competitor. is that something you would pay for year after year? i, i like soda a lot but for a change of pace...
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. this is your abc news to go. >> i am megan pringle. >> they are picking up some of the heaviest rain now pushing off to the south and west. we could see it around brooklyn park and along i-95. and travel back. and 695. if you are heading over towards rockville and you are going to be dealing with heavier rain this morning. also, what we are dealing with, we do have the patchy fog once again. just in, a new update. 2 miles of visibility now. and two in westchester. and three in hagerstown and
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culpepper. >> new update with the wind conditions. they have picked up about 17 misuse sustained wind and 13 in d c, this will continue as we head to the rest of the morning. we will get a check with lauren. and lauren. it is a busy day for you and for me. >> things keep getting worse. we deal with an accident in downtown baltimore. central avenue, if you are heading through the fort mchenry tunnel, all is clear and as for the beltway. this is what it looks like in parkville and hartford road. the outer loop moving showy. all the way up to charles street and that's a look at your time saver traffic. megan and charlie over to you. >> they are continuing to protest the summit. linda so is here with all new
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information. >> charlie, we learned they planned to take to the streets. and shut down boeing. and they plan to protest the company's role for the u.s. military. many businesses are telling the employees to stay home. >> on sunday, thousands filled the streets and tuition got tense and tried to force their way through police lines to get to where the police was holding the summit. they hit them by responding with batons. they gave officers. and said some were caught and protestors were putting red paint on themselves. 45 people were arrested and four were hurt. >> one was stabbed in the leg. inside the summit, they met to discuss the road out of the war in afghanistan. >> there will be great challenges ahead. >> the loss of life. and two years in afghanistan. and there will be hard days ahead. but, we are confident that we are on the right track.
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and what this nato summit reflects. it is the world is behind the strategy that we have laid out. >> nato forces plan to pull all combat troops from afghanistan by 2014. the summit wraps up today in chicago. >> linda so abc news. the governorrest conference is on human trafficking. this is 8:30 this morning at the community college of baltimore county. >> they will discuss the decision to endorse same-sex marriage. they voted to declare marriage a civil right. even between same sex couples. tonight a rally to prevent the rec. centers from closing. organizations will protest the plan to consolidate youth services. stave off closures of the rec. centers will start at 5:00 tonight. >> street teens will be decontending on the city of
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baltimore today. to remind them to exercise courtesy and common sense. >> it is all part of the street smart contract pain. they will be deployed in the vicinity of the market, the inner harbor and coincide with the the boston red sox and their fans. >> story on memberial day weekend -- memorial day weekend. the bus service dc to ny will offer the ride from dupont circle and union station. the cost is $39 each way for riders who plan to book ahead. >> gasoline prices are falling. >> they find the average price per gallon has dropped 6 cents. >> regulars now going for 363 -- $3.63. >> we are working to find you the least expensive gas in your area. head to and click on the traffic tab. diabetes and prediabetes
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have skyrocketed among the nation's young people. rates jumped 9% of the adolescent population to 23% in 2008. >> experts say that we have to be incredibly aggressive and teach children and adolescents they have to make tomb for physical activity and make healthy food choices as well. >> new screening guidelines are by medical groups. only for a specific group of people. c. scans o be punish for people between 55 and 75 years old. they say the scans could row vent about 4,000 lung cancer deaths every single year. >> five things you need to know before you head out the door. a service will be held in tripoli. that person is release interested a scott tissue prison after being diagnosed
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with terminal prostate cancer. 200 people died when it exploded over scotland. this is the webcam spying case. he he could get 10 years in prison against clemente. he jumped from the washington bridge after they used a webcam to spy on him and another man. the political corruption trial will resume deliberations this morning. they tried to reach an erred verdict and they failed. >> this is a day for hotels to get their swimming pools in compliance with the american disabilities act. just in time for the holiday weekend. the click it or ticket campaign is going full swing. and they will hold a news conference to lump the annual campaign to urge motorists to fasten p their seat belts. >> os looking to get back
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defense the red sox. they 22 of three against the anything and it is stephen strasburg who seemed to do it himself. first, you got this. first home run and he is out there on the bump throwing great for the nats. they go on to win the game yesterday. 9-3. but baltimore maintains the two game lead and first pitch tonight in camden yards is set for 6:05. >> this is the cast your vote. free interactive on line game. it is to show students what it is like to be part of congress. it is focused on by centennial and the education reporter sherrie johnson is live with the report. sherrie. >> reporter: there is so much around here. it is so interesting. today is the launch of congressman john sarbanes and they are teaming the up the
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launch to cast your vote. good morning. >> good morning. >> it is so nice to see you again. the thing i like about this cast your vote, the students or anybody has a chance to see what it is like to be in cok. >> it puts the person in charge of the war of 1812. the war of 1812, politics. trade, economic issues, i am talking 1812, not 2012. and it shows the relevancy of the history. you can go right to the history and show the pros and cons. and decide for yourself. this is a free interactive on line game that teaches folks. it is not just for anyone. >> anyone can do it. adults. kids, whomever. and it is on a lot of different levels and everyone can understand it. you can hear the language. the things that led. and it started the war. go to cast your vote and find that out. >> let me tell you something. this is a great interactive tool for students. we have a number of student
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that is will be coming here today. what a great educational tool for them. >> it is cutting edge. it is coming out that the state of maryland and other states will be involved in and have to process the information they learned. it fits right into that. and you learn where you process it yourself and cast your vote. >> wonderful. >> i don't know which way you will go. >> before i was for the war of 1812 and time is running out before it runs out. that will be the public reading of cast your vote. >> it will all be saved. now, i am not so sure. i might be voting against the war of 1812. we should be holding off. the united states is not ready. we will not have the reassists yet and i might go to cast your vote again and vote for the war of 1812. >> this is something that, it is not just for students and people of all ages. and get some conversation going there. >> if you are home with your
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boyfriend or spouse. and you want something to argue about. >> one of you save for and one be save about. >> it is awesome. >> go there today, man. >> this program kicks off at 9:00. right here at fort mchenry. >> sherrie von johnson. abc two -- sherrie johnson. >> they have a lot of energy together. >> ranger events always great. and p sherrie was perfect for the spot. >> we will not have the prettiest weather. >> we need the rain and we will look at it from that perspective. it is coming down now. off into the atlantic. few showers streaming into the area. >> few breaks as we go throughout the day. the winds, it is breezy out there. and sustained at 15 miles an hour. and six in eastern and 13 in d.c. and take you outside. you can see the winds trapping
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and -- flapping. and that will be the scenario. and we will bring you back in. and in terms of visibility. it is reduced this morning. now, it is three. three in york. two in winchester and two in culpepper. it has have alberto down to the south and it is going offshore. we like that track. all the model resist in agreement. wind sustained at 40 miles an hour. it as weak tropical storm and going to keep the showers and thunderstorms in the forecast as we head through the next several days. 40-degree assist what i am going with. and check out the forecast. game time 475. make sure you do have the rain gear as you head out and then things might start to look better and quite warm as we get into the weekend. we will have more on the time saver traffic. we have an accident in
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warren doe county and at the shall to warren dell mills boulevard. and -- take a live look here at liberty road. it is going to be slow from 795 all the way down towards 95. we have an accident in downtown baltimore. on east lumbar street. and take a live look right there at the beltway. going to be nice and clear. if you are headed up towards the fort mchenry turn no concerns. and the -- mchenry tunnel no concerns. >> all right. happy monday, happy you have a nice day despite the weather. >> it is all yours. >> i hate this forecast. i am sorry. >> we need it. >> go to for all things, news, weather and traffic. we will go to new york now for "good morning america."
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